The Answer Lies in the soil

Soil and Life – neglect it at our peril

For me soil is right up the top there, a micron or two behind air and water. But whilst without these two gifts we cannot survive today, soil is the basis of long term survival. In fact it is demonstrably the true foundation of civilisation. That is­ fertile, accessible, living soil.

We neglect it at our peril. Within historical memory (i.e. written records) Syria was a forest kingdom[1], Iraq the birthplace of agriculture[2] and Libya the bread­basket of the Roman Empire.[3]

I expect anyone reading this will be familiar with the essential components of soil:

●      Mineral fraction (sand, silt, clay)
●      Humus
●      Air and water
●      Adequate soil structure to admit and retain these 

But the most important constituent, the one that resists erosion and minimises workload the most, the one which makes nutrition most available to plants and animals alike, is the life in the soil itself.

Does your Tree have Roots?

For many years now we have started Permaculture Design Courses with a light­hearted ‘entrance exam’, part of which is to ask people to draw a tree ­ not as a contest in drawing skills or species accuracy, but looking for one thing only. Does their tree have roots? Once folks get this they become much more aware of the earth beneath our feet. The fact that so much of what we depend on is not (in ordinary circumstances) visible to us.

The life in the soil may be millions of individual organisms in a single handful. Animal and plant life in a constant process of exchange. Plant and tree roots provide the most astonishing marketplace, where bacteria, other roots, nematodes, earthworms etc. mingle in the jelly like rhizosphere doing what they do best. Green leaved plants ensure energy supply by producing sugars through photosynthesis which they may swap for nitrogen (the building blocks of life) from air in the soil harvested by (for example) leguminous plants.

We all know legumes produce nitrogen don’t we? No? Of course they don’t! It is bacteria staying in the little root nodule hotels they produce who do that job. And hugely significant are the largest living organisms yet found on planet earth. Blue whales?! No, fungi. Not mushrooms, which are only their fruiting bodies, but mycelium, vast underground networks of whitish thread like material (largest yet discovered: thirty-five hectares­ which would be a lot of blue whales).[4]

Healthy Soil Brings Abundance

I shall be talking at the International Permaculture Conference about our experience and recorded research at Garden Cottage in the Scottish Borders.[5] One tenth of a hectare garden which can produce one metric tonne of food in a year, all our firewood and five thousand plants and five hundred trees a year for sale in our nursery.

With a thousand visitors a year we are often asked two things: where is your worm farm and what companion planting do you use. Hmm. ‘Companion’ from the French meaning those you eat bread with. Answer: all our trees and plants are companions. Worm farm? You’re standing in it. We estimate a worm population of two tonnes (based on the work of Charles Darwin[6] ­ but that’s another story), which is the same weight as at least twenty big men. Worms are a bit slower in winter, but they don’t take tea breaks, weekends off, fail to get out of bed, or insist on six hour days. And they’re free. Best WWOOFers we ever had.

If they’re the best in our work force, the energy management bosses are surely the trees. If you only do one thing to realise your permaculture dream, plant some more.

From the Troodos Mountains, where I have again succeeded in bringing rain, best wishes and see you in London. 

Graham Bell will present in the Soil Session

The views expressed here belong to the speaker and do not necessarily represent FAO’s views, positions, strategies or opinions.

Submitted by Graham Bell





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Allan Kirkland 21-07-22 06:46
The most crucial part of allotment gardening is by far getting your soil in good form; if you achieve that, you'll be well on your road to success.Digging your soil and adding organic matter, such as compost or manure, should be on your annual to-do list to maintain its fertility and open structure.
Linda House 13-07-22 04:10
I concur that having healthy soil is essential in order to promote the rapid and robust growth of any plants. There are times when I am unable to cultivate any plants, and although I have used every technique, the soil seems to be the source of the issue. When I'm by myself, I'll often strike up conversations with women I'm interested in dating. I utilize a program referred to as Free Hookup App.
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Jones Jones 04-06-22 16:51
I know your expertise on this. I must say we should have an online discussion on this. Writing only comments will close the discussion straight away! And will restrict the benefits from this information.
Sarah johnson 31-01-22 14:10
Soil is full of life. It is often said that a handful of soil has more living organisms than people on planet Earth. Soil is the stomach of the earth - consuming, digesting, and cycling nutrients and organisms.
Ikrama Khan 08-01-22 11:16
Getting your soil in good shape is by far the most important aspect of allotment gardening, and if you do that you're well on your way to success.
A part of your annual jobs list should include digging your soil and incorporating organic matter such as compost or manure to maintain its fertility and open structure.
The topsoil in our area is generally excellent, however the exact composition can vary from plot to plot, and the type and acidity of soil must be determined.
Jackie Chou 13-11-21 06:44
I agree, healthy soil is important if you want to grow any plants fast and healthy. There are some instances that I cannot grow any plants, and I tried all the methods, but the only problem is the soil. Sometimes when I'm alone I talk to girls I want to hook up. I use the app called Free Hookup App.
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