Portail d'information sur les sols

Soil Change Matters

The workshop is hosted by the Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries, and supported by Soil Science Australia and the following Working Groups of the International Union of Soil Sciences - Global Soil Change, Soil Monitoring, Proximal Soil Sensing, and Digital Soil Mapping.

The workshop is designed to bring together practitioners in policy, science and management to address the questions –
• What is changing in soil?
• Why does it matter (impact, extent, critical thresholds, system collapse) or does it? Who cares and who pays?
• How do we measure change and are we monitoring important changes?
• How fast are changes occurring and expected to occur?
• Should anything be done about these changes  - science understanding, technical ability to measure and monitor change, policies for intervention or prevention.

- 27 Mar 2014
Bendigo, Australia