Portal de Suelos de la FAO

Utilization and protection of halophytes and salt-affected landscapes

 The conference topics are

-Ecology and utilisation of halophytes

-Protection of saline lakes, grasslands and other salt-affected habitats -Ecological consequences of soil amelioration

-New approaches and results in the amelioration of sodic soils, under irrigation and rain fed conditions (chemical, agrotechnical, biological and complex amelioration practices, afforestation measures)

-Use of saline waters in agriculture

-Ecology and soil-plant correlations in native salt-affected habitats

-Prevention and prediction of secondary salinization/sodication/alkalization due to irrigation

 -Prevention of ecological catastrophes and other off-site consequences of secondary salinization

-Increase of public awareness and education for the prevention of secondary salinization

 -The role of geological and other environmental conditions in the genesis of saline and sodic soils

 -Groundwater depth, concentration and its relationship with salinization/sodication/alkalization of soils

 -Classification of salt-affected soils for international correlation, land use and land evaluation

  -Spatial and temporal changes in salinity/sodicity/alkalinity status of salt-affected areas

 -Assessment of soil salinity/sodicity/alkalinity with new laboratory and field techniques

 -Remote sensing and GIS in the assessment, mapping and monitoring of salinity/sodicity/alkalinity status of soils

  -Agrogeological problems related to salinization/sodication/alkalization

  -Mapping of salt-affected soils based on environmental correlation

  -Modern methods for the characterization and diagnosis of physico-chemical and colloid-chemical properties of sodic soils

 -Legal aspects of irrigation-induced salinization

- 06 Sep 2013
Kecskemét, Hungary