Portal de Suelos de la FAO

15th International Peat Congress 2016

This  prestigious  Quadrennial  Convention  will  be  hosted  by  the  Malaysian  Peat  Society  (MPS)  in partnership with the International Peatland Society (IPS). It will be the first time in the Society’s long history  of  organising  this  Congress  that  it  will  convene  at  a  location  outside  of  Europe  and  North America and also in South East Asia.


The theme of the Congress is Peatlands in Harmony-Agriculture, Industry & Nature. Presentations will relate to an integrated global perspective for the responsible use of peatlands and the preservation of their unique dynamics and natural biodiversity. 


The Congress will also provide for researchers, academics and practitioners an ideal platform to congregate, share information and discuss their scientific results and experiences with particular reference to peat and peatlands in the tropics.

- 19 Aug 2016
Sarawak, Malaysia