Portal de Suelos de la FAO

DBG-Workshop: Combined analysis of biochemistry and structural complexity of soil via imaging

This workshop pursues two main objectives: 

1.We want to give an overview of the current progress and research needs with respect to the combined analysis of biochemistry and structural complexity of soil via imaging. Keynote lectures will share their experience about how new imaging techniques have helped to improve our understanding about processes in soil and how they might be used in the near future. 

2.We provide an introductory course with lectures and exercises to methodological aspects of image processing. The case studies cover a broad range from X-ray CT images of soil structure, to element maps obtained from NanoSIMS and fluorescence microscopy images of microbes. The participants of the workshop are encouraged to present their own work in a poster session with room for intensive discussion

- 07 Jul 2016
Halle, Germany