Portal de Suelos de la FAO

Working with Soil - Exposing and Describing a Soil Profile

The ability to expose a representative soil profile and to describe it accurately and consistently are skills that are fundamental to the study of soil in the field. This practical one day course is the first of three courses covering the foundation skills and teaches you how to;

  • Safely expose a soil profile either by digging a pit or by using a soil auger,
  • Consistenly describe a site and a full soil profile using a recognised system of description (including hand texturing, soil colour, structure, consistency, porosity, stone content, free lime and roots/fauna present,
  • Interpret soil layers (broad horizon nomenclature), features and materials in terms of soil forming processes and the soil environment.

The course is part laboratory, part field based. Working in a small group, you will dig your own pits, be taught each aspect of soil description back in the laboratory and then describe horizons back from your own pit.

You receive a training pack that includes an illustrated course manual with detailed instructions on all aspects of site and soil exposure and description, soil description forms for future use and a hand lens. 

The course also qualifies for CPD points for various professional practice schemes. BASIS CPD has been awarded at a total of 6 points (4 Environment + 2 Crop Protection)

The Foundation Skills training triangle comprises this course along with Introduction to Soil Classification and Understanding Soil Variablity at Landscape to Local Scale. 

Booking is now open

- 06 Sep 2016
Berkshire College of Agriculture (BCA), Maidenhead, United Kingdom