Portal de Suelos de la FAO

Macedonian Soils Information System (MaSIS)

Decades of archived soil research have now been transformed into an accurate, up-to-date, and fully functioning information system – based on state-of-the-art digital soil mapping techniques. The new Macedonian Soil Information System or “MASIS” – formally launched hin 2015 and was developed with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Global Soil Partnership. MASIS is expected to be fundamental for guiding decision making at national and local levels, from policy to action-oriented fields such as land use planning, land suitability assessment, soil fertility policies, soil degradation, climate change adaptation, ecosystem services, and implementing the new global Sustainable Development Goals. MASIS will also make it possible to monitor soil condition and determine how human interventions, such as land use changes and climate change, affect it.

Project Details

Project Symbol: TCP/MCD/3402

Project Title: Capacity development on digital soil mapping and development of the Macedonian Soil Information System (MASIS) 

Actual EOD: 01 January 2013          

Actual NTE: 31 December 2014      

Total Budget: USD 340 000

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