Portal de Suelos de la FAO

Soil Information System of Afghanistan (SISAf)

Soil Information System of Afghanistan (SISAf) provides soil maps and related information systems through advocating of organized and systematic survey and monitoring of soils in Afghanistan with accurate and up-to-date soil information using state of the art methods and professional tools of digital soil mapping. SISAf constitutes the bases for assessing soil quality and suitability over time and maintain an online soil information repository for Afghanistan. 

  • SISAf assists stakeholders including government institutions, researchers, academia and the farming community to:
  • Provide and update soil data and maps of Afghanistan
  • Provide essential and valuable information to scientists, researchers and policy makers.
  • Support Afghanistan institutions and personnel in the soil departments to produce and maintain updated soil information
  • Identify and quantify various threats and pressures on soil to agriculture, environment and climate-change related issues.
  • Support Afghanistan institutions and personnel in the soil departments to produce and maintain updated soil information
  • Show the location and type of soil and their suitability for various agricultural use, existing and potential nutrient/fertilizer 

Project Details

Project Symbol: TCP/AFG/3601 

Project Title: Afghanistan Soil Information System 

Resource Partner: FAO CORE FUND 

Reporting Period: Jan–Jun 2018 

Actual EOD: 1 March 2016 

Actual NTE: 28 February 2018

Total Budget: USD 497, 000

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