FAO in Somalia
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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Somalia has over 400 staff and six offices across Somalia along with a support office in Nairobi, Kenya. The country portfolio includes 76 different projects countrywide. Through its programmes, the organization works towards a transformation of agri-food systems in Somalia in alignment with FAO’s global Strategic Framework centered around the four ‘Betters’ – Better Life, Better Production, Better Nutrition and Better Environment.

Ranging from emergency response, resilience and development programming with a conflict-sensitive lens, FAO’s work in Somalia centers around improving food security and nutrition and protecting livelihoods in the face of shocks as well as promoting resilient agri-food value chains, integrated water and land management, climate smart agri-food systems and providing technical support and capacity development to the Government of Somalia at local, State and Federal levels across the areas within its mandate. FAO in Somalia works closely with government and communities to secure a better future for the people of Somalia.

FAO’s work in Somalia also includes the provision of timely and relevant food security, nutrition and water and land management information for decision-makers through its Somalia Water And Land Information Management Project (SWALIM) and Food Security Nutrition and Analysis (FSNAU) programmes. FAO co-leads the Food Security Cluster in Somalia and globally ensuring a well-coordinated and technically sound approach to crisis response. Read more


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