FAO in Somalia


24 June 2024
  Mogadishu, Somalia – A new project to enhance the overall Somalia water and land resource information management within government institutions was launched today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Embassy of Italy in Mogadishu and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). The project, "Strengthening Capacities of...
23 June 2024
  The initiative is part of the multi-partner JOSP funded by the British Embassy in Mogadishu and the UN Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF) Mogadishu, Somalia - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and USAID have announced the signing of the USD 25 million TRANSFORM project, a key component of the broader multi-partner Johwar Offstream...
22 June 2024
  Abdillahi Abdi Wayrah, 64 years, from Boodhley village, has spent his entire life herding camels. His deep bond with these animals shows the enduring traditions of the Somali way of life.  For Abdillahi and many Somalis, camels are more than just livestock; they are an integral part of their identity...
19 June 2024
  Aden Omar's story of survival amid devastating floods in Beledweyne. Aden Omar, a 45-year-old farmer in Beledweyne, recounts a famous Somali tale of an elephant who was warned of an impending insect attack.  Unperturbed because of his size, the elephant retorted, ‘How big could these insects be?  After all, insects are...
09 June 2024
  With financing from the British Embassy in Mogadishu, the UN Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF) and planned contributions from USAID and the Somalia Joint Fund (SJF), the programme aims to build resilience against climate shocks in communities along the Shabelle River Jowhar, Somalia. –  Today in Jowhar, Somalia, the Somali government, the Food...
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