FAO in Somalia

Major tree planting drive kicks off in Somalia


Mogadishu – A major tree planting drive, aimed at tackling Somalia’s environmental problems, has been launched in the country’s capital Mogadishu.

Hundreds of people from different walks of life - from young schoolchildren to city dwellers - are planting trees across the Somali capital Mogadishu in the “Plant-a-Tree” campaign spearheaded by Somalia’s Ministry of National Resources and supported by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Charcoal, is one of the only ways to earn income in some regions of Somalia. But the lucrative trade is causing rapid and devastating environmental damage. Environmentalists say that cutting of trees to produce charcoal is leading to deforestation, the destruction of grazing lands and soil erosion and, in the long term, to Somalia’s frequent droughts. Lack of clear and enforceable regulations only works to worsen the problem. Absence of affordable and alternative energy sources, means many Somalis turn to charcoal burning, which is depleting the country’s precious acacia forests.

In commemoration of Somalia’s National Tree Planting Day, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamed is slated to officially grace the campaign on April 17th and launch a charcoal initiative aimed at implementing the charcoal ban and help Somalis find alternative livelihoods and sources of energy. The "Plant-A-Tree" campaign will see over 4,000 trees planted in 17 districts of Banadir that form the country’s capital, Mogadishu in April alone. Abdirizak Omar Mohamed, Somalia’s Minister of National Resources and FAO’s Country Representative for Somalia, Luca Alinovi flagged the campaign by planting trees in the heart of Mogadishu.

Under the "Plant-a-Tree" Campaign, people, communities, organizations, business and civil society are being encouraged to plant trees. In this round of the campaign, the major objective is to plant at least 4,000 trees around the Somali capital, Mogadishu. The multimedia campaign has deployed broadcast media messaging through, Somali National and Universal Televisions, some of Somalia's largest satellite broadcasters, drama shows, outdoor advertising and online platforms including YouTube and a Twitter hashtag, #plantatree.

A tree nursery prepared by the Somali government for the

A tree nursery prepared by the Somali government for the "Plant-a-Tree" Campaign in Mogadishu.

Somali Government staff prepare a tree nursery designed in a shape of a star, a key symbol in Somalia's national flag.

Somali Government staff prepare a tree nursery designed in a shape of a star, a key symbol in Somalia's national flag.                                                    


Somali Government staff prepare a tree nursery.

Somali Government staff prepare a tree nursery.

Abdirizak Omar Mohamed, Somalia’s Minister of National Resources plants a tree at the Ministry of Agriculture in Mogadishu.

Abdirizak Omar Mohamed, Somalia’s Minister of National Resources plants a tree at the Ministry of Agriculture in Mogadishu.


A Somali drama group performs at the tree planting launch in Mogadishu, Somalia.

A Somali drama group performs at the tree planting launch in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Volunteers for the

Volunteers for the "Plant-a-Tree" campaign handout campaign materials in Mogadishu, Somalia.