FAO in Somalia

Heavy rains reported in North Eastern Somalia as tropical storm 03A passes the Northern Coast of the country


During the last 24‐hours a tropical storm named 03A has been developing in the northern Indian Ocean and has
hit some coastal areas and inland in Puntland. For the last three hours the storm has been moving away from
inland areas towards the Gulf of Aden and coastal areas of Bari and Nugaal regions.
The storm brought strong winds and heavy rains within the areas of Bari region (Eyl and Bandar Beyla) causing the
death of 7 people in the area. In addition, property including livestock, structures, boats and a dhow from Yemen
were destroyed. The area is currently flooded and movements by road have been rendered impossible.
Strong winds with heavy rains are therefore expected in some parts of the northern Somalia areas (including
Bosasso, Berbera, Eyl and Bandar Beyla) situated in the storm path in the next 24 hours. It is therefore advisable to
stay indoors and take the necessary precautions to reinforce infrastructures as the strong winds may lead to
destruction of weak structures. Flash floods are also foreseen along these areas.
SWALIM and partners are monitoring the situation and will update you accordingly. For more details on tropical
storm tracking please access: http://www.tropicalstormrisk.com/ or contact SWALIM on SO‐ [email protected]