FAO in Somalia


19 July 2022
Garabis, Somaliland - At her family farm on the outskirts of Garabis, Deka Osman keeps a careful watch over one of her malnourished animals. She feeds it the few stalks that remain from previous season’s failed harvest to coax it back to health from drought related diseases. The rains have largely failed...
28 June 2022
Mogadishu – Community members, including women and youth groups, met in Marka for the “Promoting Inclusive Action in Peacebuilding” (PIAP) project which aims at fostering social cohesion and reducing conflict over natural resources among targeted communities. The groups discussed the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders to ensure successful implementation of the...
06 June 2022
Mogadishu – A historic fourth consecutive failed rainy season, skyrocketing prices and an underfunded humanitarian response have resulted in a 160 percent increase in people facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity, starvation and disease in Somalia. With no end in sight for the devastating drought affecting the country, the risk of...
05 May 2022
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in partnership with government and other implementing partners, has reached almost 11 million livestock belonging to around 275 000 rural families with supportive emergency treatment services in Somalia. Funded by the United States Agency for International Development and the Qatar Fund For Development, the...
24 March 2022
On the outskirts of Beletweyne town in southern Somalia, Maryam Muse Duale breaks up small sticks in her hands, stoking a fire in the dirt to keep her young children warm at night. Maryam has made a flimsy shelter of sticks and cloth; it doesn’t keep the cold night air...