FAO in Somalia


09 October 2017
Rural areas, too long seen as poverty traps, key to economic growth in developing countries But sweeping transformations needed to unlock their potential to help feed and employ a younger, more crowded planet - new report Millions of young people in developing countries who are poised to enter the labour force in...
31 August 2017
With 3.1 million people facing crisis and emergency, acute food insecurity persists in Somalia Acute malnutrition increases and risk of famine continues  An estimated 3.1 million people, 25 percent of the population, are expected to be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or Emergency (IPC Phase 4) through December. The Gu (April-June) cereal harvest...
31 August 2017
FSNAU-FEWS NET 2017 Post Gu Assessment The Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Peter de Clercq, today expressed concern about the continued threat of famine in Somalia, whilst praising the collective efforts that have so far prevented famine from being declared. He urged the international community to stay the course and sustain famine...
04 August 2017
  Objective: To improve food security and resilience to shocks through strengthened and sustainable livelihoods within the fisheries sector of Somalia. Donor: Norway  Contribution: USD 5 321 597 Key partners: Federal, Puntland and Somaliland Ministries of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMRs). Target benficiaries: 736 beneficiaries. Target areas: Puntland, Somaliland and south-central Somalia. Activities implemented:  Prepared draft federal-level Fisheries Strategic Plan and Fisheries Policy...
21 July 2017
In an unprecedented move, Pope Francis has symbolically donated €25,000 to FAO's efforts supporting people facing food insecurity and famine in East Africa. Pope Francis said the funds are "a symbolic contribution to an FAO programme that provides seeds to rural families in areas affected by the combined effects of conflicts...