FAO in Somalia


07 August 2014
Nairobi  Emergency unfolding among Mogadishu IDPs Somalia’s food security crisis is expected to worsen over the next several months following poor performance of the major rainy season (Gu), shrinking humanitarian assistance and access, increasing malnutrition, conflict and surging food prices, analysts have warned. A severe water shortage is also expected in the...
28 June 2014
Dollow, Somalia Joint UN resilience programme kicks in Three United Nations emergency directors have called for more sustained funding for Somalia nearly three year after the worst famine hit the Horn of Africa nation. The emergency heads include Dominique Burgeon of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), David Kaatrud...
26 June 2014
Mogadishu Dominique Burgeon, FAO’s Director, Emergency and Rehabilitation Division (TCE) has today toured the agency’s new home in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. FAO’s Head of Office a.i. in Somalia, Rudi van Aaken, said the expanded offices, soon to me opened in Mogadishu, will be the food and agriculture agency’s largest operational base...
02 May 2014
Nairobi - A combination of delayed Gu (April-June) rains, rising food prices and persistent insecurity in Somalia is likely to worsen the country's food security situation in the coming months, experts have warned. Food security in the Horn of Africa nation is likely to deteriorate particularly in southern regions of...
27 March 2014
Bossaso, Somalia President, EU Envoy hail move as crucial to managing sea resources The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Puntland authorities have launched the first database for Somali fishermen in decades aimed at improving management of fisheries in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. In the last 12...