FAO in Somalia


26 April 2012
Brazzaville  FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today that funding gaps to assist herders, agro-pastoralists and farmers in the ongoing rainy season in the Sahel and Horn of Africa total over 110 million dollars."In the Horn of Africa, we are losing the opportunity to build on our recent gains and...
03 February 2012
Nairobi  FAO’s new Director-General prioritizes Horn of Africa The United Nations declared an end to famine conditions in Somalia today, but warned that with recurrent droughts in the Horn of Africa hunger remains a threat unless long-term measures are taken to restore food security. According to a new report by the FAO-managed Food...
01 February 2012
HARGEISA The United Kingdom has launched a £13 million aid package aimed at reinforcing stability and boost economic growth in Somalia. Sustainable Employment And Economic Development Programme (SEED) is a 4-year programme of £12.9m, with a major a goal to improve stability in Somalia through economic growth and sustainable employment. The programme will...
05 September 2011
Nairobi/Rome  FAO today called for increased efforts to stem the food crisis in the Horn of Africa as famine spread to a sixth area of Somalia, threatening  750 000 people with starving to death in the next four months. Latest data released today by the Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit for...
02 August 2011
Nairobi   New evidence indicates that both the prevalence of acute malnutrition and rates of crude mortality have surpassed famine thresholds in the agropastoral areas of Balcad and Cadale districts of Middle Shabelle, the Afgoye corridor IDP settlement, and the Mogadishu IDP community. Food access indicators in these areas surpassed the...