FAO in Somalia


11 September 2023
Mogadishu - The agreement will enable FAO and WFP to deliver assistance more effectively and transparently to the people who need it most by strengthening strategic and operational coordination. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have signed a data sharing agreement in Mogadishu. Each of these...
01 September 2023
The future can look very different for drought-affected communities if they can be reached with the proper support. Fatuma Sha'aban lives with her family in Hoodey village, Luuq district. Like most people in her community, she relies on livestock as her primary source of livelihood. As consecutive poor rainy seasons stacked...
16 August 2023
Mogadishu, The project will help save lives and livelihoods through improved flood defences, early warning systems, and preparedness actions to reduce the impact of severe flooding in at-risk areas of Somalia The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the British Embassy Mogadishu (BEM) have launched an Anticipatory Action...
15 August 2023
Mogadishu - Somalia faces great challenges posed by climate change, making its participation in global efforts to find solutions a necessity Somalia is no stranger to the devastating effects of climate change. In the last 20 years the country has faced an increasing number of climate events that have negatively affected food...
10 August 2023
FAO and the European Union support capacity building and construction of infrastructure to increase productivity and improve access to markets.  Yaqub Buule Ali is an agriculture extension worker from Jowhar, the capital of Hirshabelle state of Somalia. Travelling by motorcycle to navigate the unpaved roads of rural Somalia, he moves from...