Portail FAO de la Coopération Sud-Sud

Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II - Centre de formation en Mécanisation Agricole CFMA

Madinat Al Irfane, BP. 6202, 10112 Rabat
Phone number(s)
(00 212) 0537 68 19 49
Areas of expertise
Recherche et vulgarisation agricoles, Gestion des exploitations / systèmes agricoles, Développement rural et réforme agraire, Technologie et mécanisation agricoles, Cultures céréalières, Cultures fruitières, Cultures industrielles, Élevage (engraissement / reproduction), Analyse du secteur de l'élevage et des politiques y afférentes, Ouvrages hydrauliques / irrigation, Production végétale / protection des plantes
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies
  • Mandate: Capacity building of technicians and engineers in agricultural machinery for Morocco and West African countries.
  • Main activities: Design and implementation of training sessions adapted to the target trainees.
  • Competences:

Training in 4 modules :

- Use and maintenance of agricultural machinery,

- Test and evaluation of agricultural machinery

- Improvement of agricultural machinery

- Mechanization, lever for profitable and sustainable agriculture.

Summary of the activities during the last two years
  • 08-16.11.2014 : Workshop on “Training needs for African agriculture”
  • 24.01-22.02.2015 : Training “Mechanization, lever for profitable and sustainable agriculture”
  • Training to following countries : Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Congo Kinshasa, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sénégal.
  • Collaboration with : JICA, ONUDI
  • Knowledge dissemination: monitoring sessions for extension agents that attended CFMA training, Publication of 9 extension guides (Who to conduct a training session for farmers) : tillage tools, seeders, potato planter, fertilizer spreader, etc.   
Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions
  • Legal status, in particular with the Government: Training Centre within IAV Hassan II which is a public institution.
  • Government arrangements:
Potential activities through SSC
  • Potential modalities: procedure well controlled
  • Potential activities: Training “Mechanization, lever for profitable and sustainable agriculture” 5-weeks-sessions for several countries or/and for one focused country 3 times a year maximum. Groups of 12 participants maximum.
Name and details of the head of the institution
Focal points
List of experts

Prof. El Houssain BAALI

AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Energy Use in Agriculture


1999-Present : Professor in Energy and Agroequipment Department in IAV Hassan II.

Graduate Faculty Appointments :

-          Introduction to Agricultural Engineering (2cr), 1995 –

-          Thermic machines (3cr), 2000 –

-          Audit and optimisation of energy systems (2cr), 2009 –

-          Impact on Environment Studies (1cr), 2009 –

-          International Environment Law (2,5cr), 2012 –

-          Energy balances in agriculture (2,5 cr), 2012-

2007-Present : Heat of “Centre de Formation en Mécanisation Agricole”

Ph.D., Rural Engineering, Hassan II Agronomy & Veterinary Medicine Institute and CAU Kiel, Germany, June 1994. Dissertation: Mechanization of Potato production: technique, economic and energetic assassement. MEG 253. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hermann J. HEEGE (Institut fuer Landwirtshaftliche Verfahrenstechnik, CAU Kiel, Deutschland).