Portail FAO de la Coopération Sud-Sud


21, Lotissement Front de Terre X Bourguiba –Dakar
Phone number(s)
00 221 33 827 64 01
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies
  • Mandate: Drafting national standards in all domains and promoting quality 
  • Main activities: Drafting national standards/training/support for establishment of quality management systems/monitoring of standards
Summary of the activities during the last two years
  • Provision of expertise to other countries or institutions: African Organization for Standardization (ARSO)/Codex Commission/Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)/West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)/Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
  • Provision of reference substances/services/training to other countries or institutions
  • Collaboration with FAO and other institutions and organizations: National Response Plan to Food Safety Emergencies (PNRUSSA)
  • Knowledge dissemination: conferences, meetings and publications 
Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions
  • Association status with an agreement signed with the State of Senegal
Potential activities through SSC

Possible arrangements: Short-term training, internships 

  • Potential activities: Workshops and expert deployments
Name and details of the head of the institution
List of experts


- Title and full name: Mame Sine Mbodji, food technology engineer  

- Areas of expertise: Expert in food safety (HACCP certified) and food safety management systems (ISO 22 000)

- Number of years of experience: 30

- Brief CV (maximum 150 words): PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

1990 to present: Head of Agrifood Division of the Senegalese Standards Association (ASN), responsible for:

-          Coordinating the formulation of standards for agrifood products in all sectors  

-          Supporting the introduction of a quality approach in agrifood enterprises  

-   Participating in and following up work to standardize agrifood products at the international level (ISO,  Codex),  

    subregional level (WAEMU, ECOWAS) and the regional level (African Organization for Standardization (ARSO)

-          Supporting the introduction of hygiene standards for food-production facilities  

-          Training in good hygiene practices  

-          Training in food quality and safety checks   

-          Training in ISO 22 000

-          Training in standards.


- Title and full name: M. El hadji Abdourahmane Ndione

- Areas of expertise: Food industry engineer/Food safety/food standards and quality  

- Number of years of experience: 9

- Brief CV (maximum 150 words):


-          2007 – 2010: Wastewater purification plant/laboratory technician  

-          2010 – present: Senegalese Standards Association

-          Head of Chemical Division - Environment

-          Head of certification development  

-          Manager of the National Quality Award  


-          Management: Quality management systems, overall quality management, environmental management, professional risk management and security, business management and production management;  

-          In-depth knowledge of standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 17025, ISO 17065, OHSAS 18001 and HACCP system;

-         Standardization and compliance certification;

-          Sustainable development

-          Analysis laboratories: Chemistry, biochemistry, bacteriology, optical methods, (spectrophotometry, chromatography and so forth)

-          Technology: Water treatment (boiler, discharge, supply, cooling circuit), industrial microbiology, food processing and preservation, sugar refinery, dairy, oils, packaging and packing

-          Process engineering: DTM (pasteurization, sterilization and so forth), evaporation, evapo-concentration, drying, liquid-liquid extraction, distillation, reconstitution and so forth



-          Title and full name:  Ndèye Maguette Diop,

-          Areas of expertise: degree in food technology, expertise in food safety/quality and standards  

-          Number of years of experience: 8

-          Brief CV (maximum 150 words):                                            

- 2011 to present: Head of Office of Plant Products within the Agrifood Division of the Senegalese Standards Association in charge of formulating standards in the agrifood sector;

- Since 2014, coordinator of the Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) of the National Codex Alimentarius Committee (CNCA);

- Risk analysis and management of sanitary and phytosanitary quality;

- Participation in standardization at the subregional level (WAEMU, ECOWAS) and African level (ARSO);

-Train the trainer on standard ISO 22000: 2005, management system for food safety;

- Chemical analysis of detergents and soaps;

- Physical and chemical analysis of food and agrifood products;

-Production of biscuits and carbonated drinks;