Plant Protection Directorate (DPV)

Km 15, Route de Rufisque, Dakar-Senegal, BP 20054 - Thiaroye
Phone number(s)
(221) 3383403 97
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies


Decree 99-909 of 14/09/1999 on the organization of the Ministry for Agriculture

Main activities:

  • Health protection of plants and plant products  
  • Health checks on plants and various plant products  
  • Monitoring of pest populations
  • Defining and implementing actions to combat crop pests  
  • Development of integrated pest management methods suited to the country’s ecological areas
  • Formulation and application of legislative and regulatory texts on phytosanitary products  
  • Following up relations with national and international agencies active in plant protection
  • Following up on the formulation and implementation of agricultural research programmes on plant protection.


  • Support/advice
  • Technical assistance
  • Technical support for project surveys  
  • Training of technical staff, producers and farm advisors in integrated management.
Summary of the activities during the last two years
  • Providing expertise to other countries or institutions: Gambia, Mauritania, Land Use and Economic Development of the Niayes Region Program (PADEN), West African Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP), West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Casamance Rural Development Support Project (PADERCA), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Senegalese Export Promotion Agency (ASEPEX) and so forth
  • Providing reference substances, services or training to other countries or institutions:

-Establishment of a National Committee for WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures  

-Establishment of a national pesticides network/CMP

-Establishment of a national committee to combat aflatoxin in Senegal/AU 

-Updating of the database for PSMS/FAO

-Creation of a database on approved exporters of agricultural products/EU

  • Collaboration with FAO and other institutions and organizations: West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD), West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (PACA), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), European Union (EU), Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region (CLCPRO), United States Agency for International Development/United States Department of Agriculture (USAID/USDA)
  • Knowledge dissemination: conferences, meetings and publications   

Programmes: PACA, WAEMU, CORAF, Université Gaston Berger, Pesticide Initiative Programme (PIP) and so on  

Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions

The DPV is part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment

Potential activities through SSC

Possible arrangements: Partnership, agreement, and memorandum of understanding

  • Potential activities: Jointly combating of transboundary pests, training, consultancy, expertise, material support and so forth  
Name and details of the head of the institution

Director of Plant Protection, Research Director, Dr Emile Victor Coly
Telephone: (221) 33 834 03 97
E-mail: [email protected]

Focal points

PhD phytopathology - Amadou Lamine Senghor

77 108 02 29

[email protected]

PhD symbiotic science- Expert on crop defence - Ousmane Diene

77 586 46 60

[email protected]

Advanced degree in locust ecology and control; Expert in sanitary and phytosanitary matters - Abdoulaye Ndiaye

77 611 11 75

[email protected]

Agronomist; Quality expert - Samba Diao BA

77 546 31 90

[email protected]

Masters in environment and food security; Expert on phytosanitary legislation -Waly Bintou Fall

78 186 10 06

[email protected]

Masters on the environment;

Expert biologist and environmentalist  - Malick Ndour

77 553 89 16

[email protected]

Post-graduate degree in entomology; Expert on fruit flies - El hadji Omar Dieng

77 547 57 30

[email protected]

Agronomist; Trainer in crop protection and expert on plant quarantine – Mody Gaye

77 535 77 45

[email protected]

Agronomist; Expert on crop defence -

Khalifa Ababacar Ndour

77 544 91 88

[email protected]


Expert translator of standardized Quranic script -

Cheikh Tidiane Gadji

77 540 12 85