Le Portail FAO de la Coopération Sud-Sud est mis à disposition à des fins pratiques, et a pour unique objectif de permettre l’échange d’informations destinées à faciliter la coopération Sud-Sud.
Les institutions pouvant être contactées via le Portail ont été proposées par les gouvernements.
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National Commission of Irrigation

To ensure the increase and improvement of the irrigated area of the country, through the formulation, implementation and monitoring of a National Irrigation Policy that generates studies, programs, projects and promotion to irrigation and drainage, contributing to the efficient use of water resources in irrigation, which points to improve...

Agroseguros, has the power to serve the State as a technical advisory body in the terms of art. 6 letter a) D.F.L. 211 of 1960, through the development, promotion, diffusion and administration of tools for the management of the risks of agricultural activity (which includes forestry and livestock) that agricultural products...
Forestry Institute

Creating and transferring scientific and technological knowledge of excellence for the sustainable use of forest resources and ecosystems, product development and derived services; As well as generating information relevant to the forestry sector, in economic, social and environmental aspects.
Main activities
- INFOR generates and develops public goods, research and technology...

El Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica fue creado mediante ley No. 4777 del 10 de junio de 1971 con la misión de " Contribuir al desarrollo integral del país, mediante formación del recurso humano, la investigación y la extensión; manteniendo el liderazgo científico, tecnológico y técnico, la excelencia...
Natural Resource Information Center (CIREN)

The Natural Resources Information Center must manage information and knowledge about natural and productive resources of the country, through the use of information technologies and geospatial applications, making them accessible and useful for decision-making in silvoagricultural and lifestock growers and producers, educational institutions and agents of public and private...
Agricultural and Livestock Service

The Agriculture and Livestock Service, protected by the Organic Law, is mandated to protect the flora, fauna, and the ecological balance; to preserve the environmental heritage; to defend and conserve the soil and to protect the quality of the water, soil and air.
Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)

Institution focusing on research and agircultural technology transfer
Main activities
Agricultural research and technology transfer
Research and Technology Transfer Programs in the following areas: Crops, Genetic Resources, Vegetables, Fruit Trees, Livestock Systems, Sustainability and the Environment, Healthy and Functional Food.
Other complementary competences
Development of technological...
Agricultural Development Institute (INDAP)

Promote the economic, social, and technologic development of the small agriculture and farmers producers. In order contribute to increase organizational, commercial and bussines capacity. Their intergration process to rural development and at the same time optimize the use of the productive resources.
Main Activities
INDAP makes available to the peasant family...
Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA)

To foster a culture of innovation in the agricultural, agro-food and forestry sector, promoting and articulating innovation initiatives that contributes to improving the living conditions of women farmers and farmers in all regions of the country.
Main Activities
Design, operation and management of programs and instruments to promote innovation.
Design and management...
National Forest Service

To contribute to the sustainable management of native forests, xerophytic formations and forest plantations through the promotion, control of forest-environmental legislation, protection of vegetation resources, as well as the conservation of biological diversity through the National Protected System of Wild Areas, for the benefit of society.
Main activities
- Increase and contribute...
Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG)

Promotion of the development of technical capacities and business management in productive systems and agricultural organizations, which boost the empowerment of families of small and medium producers pertaining to rural territories. As a result, Costa Rican agricultural activity must be characterized by competitiveness, equity and sustainability in social, economic...
Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute (APERDRI)

- Mission Statement
APERDRI is an institution with fifty years of research and planning experience, which generates thought, knowledge and plans toward sustainable development of agriculture and natural resources. In this area, APERDRI possesses a unique status in the Ministry of Agriculture - Jahad.
- Main Activities:
APERDRI conducts applied development studies...
Centre de Qualification Agricole d’El Menzel Sefrou

- Formation
•Activités principales:
-Formation initial des ouvriers qualifiés en polyculture élevage
-Formation par apprentissage « Employé en arboriculture fruitière, Employé en élevage Bovin, Employé en aviculture, formation des maître agriculteurs
• Compétences:
- Trois formateurs compétant, polygone pédagogique de 3 Ha, Moyens matériel
Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO)

The Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture is the government body by which state policy on the agricultural sector is enforced. Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (ARREO) is an umbrella organization under the Ministry which is responsible for Research, Education and Extension issues of agricultural sector in Iran.
Main Activities
MASHAV – Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- Mandate: MASHAV, Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, representing the State of Israel and its people, shares the global responsibility of achieving sustainable development and social equity through empowering and equipping communities in the developing world with the tools and skills to overcome poverty and obstacles to development, enabling...
Directorate of Reservoirs and Artificial Lakes (DBRLA)

- Implementation of national policy to promote the control of water for irrigation purposes.
Main activities:
- Constructing rural facilities and infrastructure, in particular reservoirs and artificial lakes, hydroagricultural projects, rural roads, storage and conservation depots for agricultural products;
- Formulating and monitoring application of technical rules and standards on the construction, maintenance and operation...
Directorate for Sea Fishing

- The Directorate for Sea Fishing is responsible for formulating and implementing State policy on artisanal and industrial sea fishing.
Main activities:
- Formulate, implement and monitor sea fishery development plans;
- Promote cooperation in sea fishing, oversee the implementation and monitoring of fishing agreements at the subregional, regional and international levels;
- Supervise the formulation and...
Directorate of Water, Forestry, Hunting and Soil Conservation (DEFCCS)

Under the authority of the Ministry for the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Directorate of Water, Forestry, Hunting and Soil Conservation (DEFCCS) is in charge of formulating and implementing national forestry policy. The Directorate enacts State prerogatives in the areas of soil conservation and management of forest ecosystems and...

- Mandate: Drafting national standards in all domains and promoting quality
- Main activities: Drafting national standards/training/support for establishment of quality management systems/monitoring of standards
Plant Protection Directorate (DPV)

Decree 99-909 of 14/09/1999 on the organization of the Ministry for Agriculture
Main activities:
- Health protection of plants and plant products
- Health checks on plants and various plant products
- Monitoring of pest populations
- Defining and implementing actions to combat crop pests
- Development of integrated pest management methods suited to the country’s ecological...
Ministry of Livestock and Animal Production

- Preparation and implementation of the policy formulated by the Head of State in terms of livestock.
Main activities:
- Defining and implementing the necessary means to achieve the overall aims of developing livestock;
- Defining research topics relating to livestock;
- Coordination, monitoring and assessment of the implementation of polices, programmes, projects and actions relating to...
National Youth Employment Agency (ANPEJ)

Mandate: development of youth employment
- Main activities: implementation of Government policies (projects and programmes) relating to the development of youth employment
- Competencies: formulation of policies, strategies, projects and programmes to facilitate youth employment; implementation and monitoring of projects and programmes.
Central Veterinary Laboratory

- Mandate: To provide analytical and diagnostic services to the agricultural industry, and to ensure the production and/or import of quality and safe food products through adherence to ISO 17025 and Good Laboratory Practice.
- Main activities: One of its core functions is to provide analytical services in the area of food...
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II - Centre de formation en Mécanisation Agricole CFMA

Training in 4 modules :
- Use and maintenance of agricultural machinery,
- Test and evaluation of agricultural machinery
- Improvement of...
Institute of Production Technology – ITP

- Mission statement: The Technological Institute of Peru Production - ITP was created on August 14, 1979, as a decentralized body of public law. Its mission is to develop innovative products and processes that create value with a focus on sustainability and implement technology extension services, technology adaptation, research, development...
Institute of Biology & Pedology of the National Academy of Sciences

Agency for the Supervision of Forest Resources and Wildlife - OSINFOR

- Mission statement: The Agency for Supervision of Forest Resources and Wildlife - OSINFOR was created by Legislative Decree No. 1085, June 28, 2008. He is responsible at the national level to monitor and oversee the sustainable use and conservation forest and wildlife resources and environmental services from the forest...

- Mission statement: The Marine Institute of Peru - IMARPE is a specialized technical agency of the Ministry of Production, aimed at scientific research and the study and knowledge of the Peruvian sea and its resources, to advise the state in the decision-making regarding the rational use of fishery resources...

- The National Institute of Agricultural Innovation - INIA is a part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, responsible for designing and implementing the national strategy of agricultural innovation public body
- Main activities: research, technical assistance, South American camelids, guinea pig breeding, Forestry Research, potato production, Andean crops
- Competencies: Scientific Research...

- Mission statement: The Sustainable management of Heritage Forest Wildlife. The aim is to provide a service in a simple, ethical, efficient and transparent manner. All this contributes to the growth of the country promoting a green economy low in carbon. Thus, SERFOR aspires to be an institution with world...

- Mission statement: MIDIS's mission is to ensure that social policies and programs of different sectors and levels of government act in a coordinated and articulated manner to close the gaps in access to quality universal public services and access to the opportunities offer for economic growth.
- Main activities: MIDIS main...

- Mission statement: IIAP's mission is to generate and incorporate knowledge, innovative technologies and ancestral knowledge at the service of societies and ecosystems.
- Main activities:
• Research Programme for the Use and Conservation of Water Resources (AQUAREC)
• Research Program for integrated forest management and carbon sequestration (PROBOSQUES)
• Research Program on Amazonian Biodiversity...
Assessment and Environmental Control Agency - OEFA

The Environmental Assessment and Control Agency (OEFA) is a specialized public technical agency, attached to the Ministry of the Environment, responsible for environmental control and ensuring the right balance between private investment in economic activities and environmental protection. The OEFA is also the governing body of the National Environmental...
National Water Authority - ANA

- Mission statement: To administer, conserve, protect and to take advantage of hydro resources of the different locations in the nation, in a sustainable manner, while at the same time promoting good water use practices.
- Primary activities: Management of basin water resources and good water culture practices.
- Competencies: Administration, conservation and protection...
Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

By the State Council, Ministry of Agriculture, and Ministry of Science and Technology
Main activities
Scientific research, international cooperation, master/Phd students cultivation, technology transfer, capacity building
Lipid and protein science, cereal and starch science, potato food science, meat science and technology, post-harvest biology, fruit nutrition and process engineering, biological control and prevention...
Animal Influenza Laboratory (AIL) of Harbin Veterinary Research Institute (HVRI)

The arbitrative diagnosis of highly pathogenic avian influenza; development of diagnostic and surveillance and analysis of virus variation; vaccine development, evaluation and update; as well as the exploration of the molecular basis for the virulence and host range of the avian influenza viruses. The research achievements of this division...
Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture (BIOMA)

The BIOMA performs scientific research and technology promotion focusing on fundamental scientific theories and crucial generic technologies about rural energy and environmental engineering. The BIOMA principally shoulders such non-profitable scientific researches and relevant technical demonstration services, trainings and applied fundamental research, advanced theory research and major generic technology research...
Hunan hybrid Rice Research Centre (HHRRC)

HHRRC is a specialised institution for hybrid rice research and technology transfer. It engages in applied and academic research activities on the development and application of rice hybrids with stronger heterosis, multiple resistances, and improved grain and seed quality.
Activities include techniques of mechanized hybrid rice cultivation from seeding to...
Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS)

CATAS is the only Chinese research institution devoted to tropical agricultural technology developments. The academic and technical capability of CATAS has contributed greatly and continuously towards sustainable solutions to hunger, malnutrition and poverty in tropical China and abroad. The mandate of CATAS encompasses the development of the value chain...
Freshwater Fisheries Research Centre of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (FFRC)

FFRC's mandated is to carry out applied research, dissemination of research findings, and development of production technologies and management strategies in support of the sustainable development of aquaculture and inland fisheries. This is done through rational use of natural resources, to contribute to long-term food and nutritional security, poverty alleviation and...
Foreign Economic Cooperation Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture (FECC)

FECC is a specialized Division of the MOA providing coordination, assessments, policy analysis, project/programme development, monitoring and evaluation services to national and international cooperation. Activities carried out by FECC could be categorized as follows:
- Coordination and management of SSC with FAO: Identification and recruitment of experts FAO-SSC, participation in the...
Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP)

Contribute to the permanent development of the agricultural and agri-industrial sector (including fishery), promoting its international competitiveness, based on the sustainable use of natural resources.
Main competencies:
- To formulate public policies.
- To promote the development, diversification and increase of productivity of the agricultural and agri-industrial sector (including fishery).
- To provide updated...
National Institute of Seeds (INASE)

A) To promote the production and usages of the best seeds with identity and top quality, encouraging also the development of the national seed industry.
B) To support the getting and uses of new national varieties as well as the adjustment of those with foreign origin to the own country's...
National Agricultural Research Institute - INIA

INIA does research on new production processes and forms in the agricultural activities in Uruguay, and provides guidelines to producers regarding the application of technology. Through its research activities, INIA seeks to improve the traits of agro-industrial products and enhance production systems in order to increase competitiveness.
National Service of Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA)

SENASA is a governmental organization that plans, organizes and executes specific programmes and activities to regulate the production of safe food for human and animal consumption.
It is responsible for executing the national policies regarding animal and plant quality and safety, as well as food safety. It also verifies the respect...
National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA)

The institute focuses on value chain research and technological innovation, in order to improve the country’s competitiveness and rural development. INTA focuses on innovation as it is key to development, and integrates capacities for promoting inter-institutional cooperation, knowledge and technology sharing through its systems of extension, information and communication.