FAO in South Sudan


26 March 2021
Enhance agricultural productivity and boost marketing and trade of agricultural products in South Sudan – these are the main objectives of the project Agricultural Markets, Value Addition and Trade Development (AMVAT) funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB) through a USD 14 million grant to the Government of South Sudan....
12 March 2021
“We saw a dark cloud coming towards us, and we were sure that was our end.”  Desert locusts repeatedly destroyed Mary’s field of maize depriving her family from their main source of livelihood. Mary Ayet, 50 years old, lives in Palotaka, a boma not far from Magwi. 
09 March 2021
By growing only wild vegetables and some cereals, Natalina Itiye has always faced hardships and lived a life in poverty. Profits were never enough and she had to work part-time on a farm nearby to earn some extra money. Natalina lives in Lonyori, a small village in Ikwoto County, Eastern Equatoria,...
05 February 2021
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched Ziraa Tanna, a series of talk shows on climate information and agriculture practices that will be broadcasted by local and national radio stations all across South Sudan. Each episode of Ziraa Tanna, Our Farm in Juba Arabic, provides farmers with...
03 February 2021
JOINT AfDB/FAO NEWS RELEASE The African Development Bank (AfDB) is providing a USD 14 million grant to the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to finance the Agricultural Markets, Value Addition and Trade Development (AMVAT) project aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity and boosting marketing and trade of agricultural products in...