FAO in South Sudan


29 October 2020
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) acting on behalf of the Government of South Sudan, will shortly receive a grant of USD 200 000 from the African Development Bank (AfDB) to complement the Government’s efforts to provide urgent life-saving humanitarian assistance to populations affected by floods....
21 October 2020
In late March, South Sudan closed all its borders in an attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19, sending a wave of uncertainty throughout the humanitarian community, especially as the start of the pandemic coincided with the lean season and beginning of the main planting season. Delivering timely emergency assistance and...
18 September 2020
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) donated two motorbikes to the Chief Administrator in Abyei to enhance the capacity to manage disputes over natural resources in the Abyei box. This initiative contributes to ongoing efforts towards improving natural resource management in border areas of South Sudan,...
17 September 2020
It is 2 p.m. and 34 degrees Celsius in Mayendit County, Unity and Nyapuka Manguany Kuic, an energic woman of 33, is getting ready to go fetch water for her family. She can’t wait until it cools down, but she needs to be home before sunset as the area is...
08 September 2020
The wet season livestock vaccination and treatment campaign 2020 has been officially launched in the Abyei Administrative Area. The initiative is part the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) efforts in early detection, prevention and control of trans-boundary animal diseases within the project “Strengthening the livelihoods resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral...