FAO in South Sudan


03 June 2024
Amos Anisa lives with his wife and five children in the lush lands of Yambio County, Western Equatoria State, in southwestern South Sudan, close to the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. The county falls within the equatorial maize and cassava livelihoods zone. Like much of the Equatoria region, residents...
14 May 2024
In the sun-scorched lands of South Sudan, where the echoes of conflict and hardship linger in the air, one farmer's story stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit. Meet Joseph Amin Luka, a determined farmer from Lerwa Boma, whose life took a transformative turn...
13 May 2024
In rural South Sudan, the impact of economic decline, climatic shocks, and conflicts runs deep. For smallholder farmers like Josephine Garebere, these stresses are compounded by shortages of quality seeds, pest infestations, and the relentless uncertainty of conflict. Yet, amidst the adversity, hope blossomed with the arrival of the Government...
13 May 2024
In rural South Sudan, the impact of economic decline, climatic shocks, and conflicts runs deep. For smallholder farmers like Josephine Garebere, these stresses are compounded by shortages of quality seeds, pest infestations, and the relentless uncertainty of conflict. Yet, amidst the adversity, hope blossomed with the arrival of the Government...
25 March 2024
Alphonso Lado Modi lives in Terekeka, a town nestled along the western bank of the White Nile, 85 km north of South Sudan’s capital, Juba. It is one of the country’s key fishery hubs, with fish being caught during the dry season (January to March) using locally manufactured nets and...
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