This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out three government priority areas to guide FAO partnership with and support to the Government of South Sudan - bringing together innovative international best practices and global standards with national and regional expertise during two years transition period from 2016 to 2017.
Priority area 1. Sustainable increase in production and productivity realized
FAO will support crop growers, livestock keepers, fisher-folk and fish-farmers for sustainable increase in production and productivity along the value chain through institutional capacity building that will enable the producer to access suitable inputs and equipment, credit, knowledge and skills in production, post-harvest management and marketing. Emphasis will be placed on key Public, Private, and Community Partnership (PPCP) and prioritize women and youth in the interventions.
Priority area 2. Agriculture-based economic growth and incomes increased
Promotion of selected commodity enterprises for income generation will lead to increased average per capita agriculture based income. FAO will work with the relevant authority to support market development for selected commodities in the subsectors using the value chain development approach.
Priority area 3. Increased resilience of livelihoods to threats and crisis
South Sudan is characterized by multiple crises and threats that include conflict and instability, natural hazards (such as droughts and floods), plant pests and animal disease. These can occur as a single event, one can trigger another, or multiple events can converge and interact simultaneously with cascading and magnified effects. South Sudanese communities have developed complex resilience strategies and are used to managing seasonal changes in food access and availability.
However due to the ongoing conflict many people are under severe stress in terms of food access and availability, access to markets and livelihoods basic services, and collapse of the social mechanisms that they would otherwise rely on. Hence resilience building remains a priority area for the government. The major hazards faced by communities are: (i) insecurity due to conflict (including ethnic conflict, cattle rustling, competitions over water and grazing lands); (ii) high incidence of pests and disease in plant and animals; (iii) hydro-metrological hazards (late onset and erratic rains; long dry spells; droughts).