FAO in Sri Lanka

'Scaling up Nutrition through a Multi-Sector Approach' In Action


Scaling up Nutrition through a Multi-Sector Approach (UNJP/SRL/070/UNJ) is a joint project implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP).

This project was implemented to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government investment in on-going nutrition initiatives, and to promote nutrition education in the school system and local communities.

The donors are the respective government ministries and the specific line ministries as per the MSAPN coordinated by the NNSSL, funded through the national budget.

A few of the implementing partners are; the National Nutrition Secretariat of Sri Lanka (NNSSL), Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Education and Education Services (MOE).

Nutrition in Sri Lanka has been lagging in the last decade with high under nutrition levels. The rural population, which makes up 80% of the country, has moderately high stunting rates and has maintained an unusually high wasting prevalence of 15% in the last three decades. More than 4 million Sri Lankans, particularly women and children, are anaemic.

The Health Ministry said that “during the last two decades, obesity is rising rapidly and as a result of this situation, susceptibility to non-communicable diseases has increased”.

The Joint Programme provides technical and financial support to the government to rollout specific action plans of the Multi Sector Action Plan for Nutrition (MSAPN)- “Vision 2016 Sri Lanka a Nourished Nation”

As a step towards achieving these expected goals the project functioned by joining hands with the Ministry of Health to declare open the ‘National Nutrition Month’. This was held under the patronage of President Maithripala Sirisena at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute on 6th June 2016. The aim of this event was to educate the public regarding the correct amount of food that should be consumed, and the variety of food items a plate should contain. FAO contributed for to this event by financially supporting the demonstrations, stage drama and Viridu etc.

Validation workshops on Pre-Schools Nutrition guidelines & Manuals were held on June 13 & 14 2016, at Ministry of Health. A guideline on Nutrition for pre-school children was developed by FAO nutrition consultants, while the validation guidelines and manuals were developed by the Nutrition coordination division of the Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine. The Pre-School Teacher Manual; Parents Manual; and Children’s Activity Book were also in-cooperated in the workshop. This event was held at Ministry of Health, Nutrition& Indigenous Medicine in Narahenpita.  

A ‘School garden Trainers of Trainers’  was held under  09 workshops at 09 Provinces, from March to May 2016 in collaboration with Ministry of Education. The objective was to provide training, disseminating Knowledge and creating awareness among Ministry of Education officials.