FAO in Sri Lanka

Monitoring changes in Sri Lanka’s forests


REDD+ is an initiative led by the UN to reduce emissions released into the atmosphere due to deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. Currently, the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment is preparing a national REDD+ strategy aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of national forests. The objective of this national strategy is to enhance the role that Sri Lanka’s forests play in mitigating the adverse effects caused by increased GHG emissions.  

A National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) is one of the key elements that need to be developed by countries implementing REDD+ activities. As the monitoring, reporting and verification of information needs to be based on reliable data that is analysed according to approved standards, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) considers an NFMS essential for countries implementing REDD+. When Sri Lanka begins to implement the National REDD+ Strategy – which is currently being finalised – the country would be eligible to receive funding from donor countries and institutions to increase its forest cover in response to the threat of global warming and climate change.

A national forest monitoring system helps keep track of forest cover and other land use changes. In line with the REDD+ process, a National Forest Inventory (NFI) would first be maintained to assess and analyse forest-related information. NFI data would include changes in forest volumes, biomasses and also the changes in Carbon stocks. Sri Lanka’s NFMS is expected to be flexible, allow for improvement, and build upon existing systems and data. The NFMS would also reflect ground-level progress of REDD+ implementation and enable assessment of different types of forests in the country. In addition, the information that would be monitored will be helpful when developing procedures and approaches that can help ensure that REDD+ activities do not harm people or the environment, but rather enhance social and environmental benefits.

The Government of Sri Lanka is developing an NFMS for measuring, reporting and verifying dynamic ground-level data prior to implementing the National REDD+ Strategy. This online geo-portal for forest-related data storage, analysis, and information dissemination includes: Satellite Land Monitoring System (SLMS); National Forest Inventory; and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG) data. The Satellite Land Monitoring System collects and analyses active data related to the country’s forest lands, over periods of time. The National Forest Inventory would help Sri Lanka tabulate and log information that is needed for estimating emissions, as well as removals, by tracking forest carbon stocks and forest carbon stock changes, etc. The Green House Gas Inventory is a tool for reporting pollutants generated by human activities, which can be linked to forest-related GHG emissions, and reported to the UNFCCC Secretariat.

The Sri Lanka UN-REDD Programme has undertaken many activities aimed at building Sri Lanka’s capacity to develop and manage its own national forest monitoring system. A training on NFI management was held in Rome from 20 to 24 June, 2016. Relevant personnel from the Forest Department and the Department of Wildlife Conservation joined FAO Forestry Officer Raushan Kumar and MRV National Consultant Shantha Baminiwatte of the Sri Lanka UN-REDD Programme in participating in this training session at the FAO Headquarters in Rome.