FAO in Sri Lanka

Scaling up Nutrition through a Multi-Sector Approach- Inception Workshop


Scaling up Nutrition through a Multi-Sector Approach is a project by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations jointly with the National Nutrition Secretariat (NNS). This project aims at implementing prioritized activities of the national nutrition action plan using grants provided by the Sustainable Development Goal Fund (SDGF).                                      

The 2 main objectives of this Joint programme are; To improve efficiency and effectiveness of government investment on food security and nutrition by highlighting the gaps, opportunities and impact of current initiatives and to achieve attitudinal and behavioural changes through enhanced nutrition education and nutrition promotion on safe and nutrient/rich foods, dietary, nutrient deficiencies and its root causes.  

The inception workshop of this project took place on the 21st July 2015 with State Ministry of Education services and 24th July with State Ministry of Child Affairs. The objective of this workshop was to gain a better understanding and role clarification on the Scaling up Nutrition through a multi sector approach project objectives, design, outputs and outcome.  

It was agreed upon that the Nutrition Consultant would immediately start with collecting and reviewing existing circulars, guidelines, training modules, etc. as a preliminary activity.