FAO in Sri Lanka

National Consultation on Risk-Based Food Import Control

Consultation on strengthening capacity in risk-based food import control

Food products have been the third most valuable commodity group traded internationally, according to the report of the International Trade Statistics 2014 published by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Many countries, including developing countries, import significant a proportion of their food supplies. In order for Sri Lanka to develop an effective national imported food control system, and/or to strengthen the current system, it is important for all relevant stakeholders to work collaboratively and understand clearly where Sri Lanka stands in terms of progress in capacity development for imported food control.

Therefore, a consultation was organized in Colombo by FAO together with the Ministry of Health on strengthening National Capacity for Risk-Based Food Import Control within a One Health Framework. Representatives from institutions such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka Customs and the Sri Lanka Standards Institution joined the consultation to propose and develop a national roadmap that will enable effective imported food controls in the country.