FAO in Sri Lanka


16 July 2018
Rome, Italy - Senior government officials from around the world today gathered at FAO to focus on ways to step up global efforts in the forestry sector aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate change.   "Urgent action is needed to sustain and preserve the planet's forests...
25 June 2018
Currently, the most advanced research vessel in the world, the  Dr Fridtjof Nansen arrived in Colombo to conduct surveys on fisheries resources and the marine ecosystem. The survey, starting in Colombo on 24 June 2018 will cover the continental shelf and upper slope of Sri Lanka until 16 July 2018....
25 June 2018
Da Nang, Viet Nam - The Global Environment Facility (The GEF) has approved US$ 15 million in funding to assist continued management of the large marine ecosystem in the Bay of Bengal in order to help sustain ecosystem services for the benefit of the coastal populations and countries. The ultimate goal is to...
28 May 2018
Global tea consumption and production are projected to keep rising over the next decade, driven by robust demand in developing and emerging countries. This will create new rural income opportunities and improve food security in tea-producing countries, according to a new report released today. Tea consumption has grown particularly rapidly in China, India...
28 May 2018
Climate change is affecting the lives of people, mostly farmers who rely on the weather for agriculture. Millions of low-income smallholder producers across the globe are the most exposed to droughts, floods and other extreme weather events. Smallholder farmers in Maldives are no exception. Equipping farmers with knowledge and methods...