The IMF and Climate Change Statistics webinar


On 19 July, the "IMF and Climate Change Statistics" webinar provided an overview of the work on Climate Change as part of the IMF Global Policy Agenda, with a focus on the IMF Climate Change Indicators Dashboard (CID), an international initiative to address the growing need for statistics to drive policy analysis for climate change mitigation and adaptation. 


The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), which is aligned with the System of National Accounts used worldwide to calculate key economic statistics, supports the mandate of FAO by addressing increasingly complex emerging issues – from transforming food systems to dealing with climate change – where the role of agriculture is prominent. The SEEA Ecosystem Accounts (SEEA-EA), adopted by the UN Statistical Commission as a global statistical standard in March 2021 (chapter 1-8), represent an important development that will enable countries in valuing ecosystem services and assets, thereby improving the measurement of their natural capital, and linking this information to measures of economic and human activity in a context that is coherent with the fight against hunger and malnutrition. 


This webinar provided an overview of the work on Climate Change as part of the IMF Global Policy Agenda, with a focus on the IMF Climate Change Indicators Dashboard (CID), an international initiative to address the growing need for statistics to drive policy analysis for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The platform brings together climate change indicators developed in cooperation with numerous international organizations including FAO data.


  • James Tebrake, Deputy Director, IMF Statistics Department
  • Francesco Tubiello, Senior Statistician and Team Leader of the Agri-Environmental Statistics Team, FAO Statistics Division


  • Welcome and Opening Remarks: Mr Pietro Gennari 

  • Presentations:  Dr James Tebrake and Mr Francesco Tubiello
  • Discussion: Moderator Mr Paulo Lourenço Dias Nunes 
  • Closing remarks: Mr Pietro Gennari 

The recording can be accessed here, while the presentation can be downloaded from here.

Paulo Lourenço Dias Nunes, Coordinator Task Force on SEEA, Office of Chief Statistician (OCS)