Latin American and the Caribbean Commission for Agricultural Statistics (LACCAS), 32nd Session

Asunción (Paraguay), 26/03/2025 - 28/03/2025

The Latin American and the Caribbean Commission for Agricultural Statistics (LACCAS) is a statutory body of FAO since the 1950s and meets every two years. Comprising 32 Member Nations, LACCAS provides a space for discussing critical issues related to national agricultural statistical systems. Each session results in recommendations that drive capacity development projects across the region.

Purpose of the meeting

The Latin American and the Caribbean Commission for Agricultural Statistics (LACCAS) is a statutory body of FAO. LACCAS brings together senior statistics officials from FAO Members of the Latin American and Caribbean region who are responsible for the development of food and agricultural statistics in their respective countries. They review the developments in their food and agricultural statistics systems since the last session and exchange ideas with experts from FAO and other organizations on the state of food and agricultural statistics in the region. FAO uses this occasion to inform the Member Nations about its activities during the preceding biennium, particularly in the Latin American and Caribbean region. 

The prominent themes on the Agenda of this session are recent developments and innovations related to: FAO activities in the Latin American and Caribbean region since 2023, SDG indicators under FAO custodianship, food balance sheets, agriculture censuses, the agricultural science and technology indicators (ASTI), and food systems statistics.  

The Session will be preceded by a meeting of the Regional Working Group on Agricultural Statistics in the framework of the Statistical Conference of the Americas, which will focus on the current state of multiple frame sampling for agricultural statistics, and regional actions to support countries in the development, and maintenance of these frames.

Membership of the Commission

As per the Statute of the Commission, the membership of the Commission is open to all Member Nations of FAO and Associate Members whose territories are situated wholly or partly in the Latin American and Caribbean region or who are responsible for the international relations of any non-self-governing territories in the region. As of March 2025, 32 countries were members of LACCAS, namely: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). FAO Member Nations interested in becoming a member of the Commission are welcome to contact the LACCAS-Secretary for guidance in this regard.


Apart from delegates nominated by Member Nations, FAO partner institutions are also invited as observers with a right to speak. FAO technical experts from the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (RLC), the Subregional Office for the Caribbean (SLC), and FAO headquarters will take part in the deliberations.

LACCAS32 Side Event

  • Meeting of the Working Group on Agricultural Statistics, 25 March 2025

List of documents

(Documents will be posted as soon as available)

Information and Meeting Documents

Document Symbol



List of Documents

LACCAS/32/INF2Information Note
LACCAS/32/INF3List of Participants 
LACCAS/32/INF4Statutes of the Commission
LACCAS/32/INF5Report of the Thirty-second Session of the Latin American and the Caribbean Commission for Agricultural Statistics (LACCAS32)
LACCAS/32/INF6Provisional Timetable
Papers and Presentations for the Main Event / Commission Meetings

Document Symbol





Report on progress made by the Working Group on Agricultural Statistics of the Statistical Conference of the Americas  
LACCAS/32/2.2Country response rate to FAO questionnaires and data collection plans for 2024/25 


LACCAS/32/2.3Summary of achievements of technical cooperation projects in the Caribbean  
LACCAS/32/3.1Progress in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator ReportingEN | ES 
LACCAS/32/3.2SDG 2.4.1 Area under Sustainable Agriculture Proxy MethodologyEN | ES 
LACCAS/32/3.3Methodology for monitoring Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W)EN | ES 
LACCAS/32/3.8Report on implementing small area estimation for generating disaggregated data for SDG 2 in  Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador   
LACCAS/32/4.1Key results from the 2020 Census round in Latin America and the Caribbean 


LACCAS/32/4.6Progress in WCA 2020 implementation and proposed outline and strategy for the WCA 2030 guidelinesEN | ES 
LACCAS/32/5.1 Key aspects of new FBS methodology, tools, and reporting challenges  
LACCAS/32/6.1Achievement of the first phase of the Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) initiative in Latin America and next stepsEN | ES 
LACCAS/32/7.1Enhance fishery and aquaculture data in support to Blue Transformation: main challenges and possible enhancements  
LACCAS/32/7.2SDG 14 indicators: overview, reporting progress, bottlenecks and outlook with a focus on SDG 14.4.1EN | ES 
LACCAS/32/8.1Introduction to agrifood systems indicators  
LACCAS/32/8.2Computing greenhouse emissions


LACCAS/32/8.3Methods for computing employment in agrifood systemsEN | ES 
LACCAS/32/8.4Methods for computing value added in agrifood systems and methods for food expenditureEN | ES 
LACCAS/32/8.5Methods for computing cost and affordability of healthy dietsEN | ES 

Mr Michael RAHIJA

(LACCAS Secretary and Regional Statistician for the Latin American and Caribbean region. FAO Regional Office for Latin America and Caribbean, Santiago, Chile)

Ms Gloria Lucía Vargas

(Regional adviser on statistics, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and Caribbean, Santiago, Chile)