
Food balances 2010–2019 (Global, regional and country trends)

New FAOSTAT data release


FAO's Statistics Division compiles Food Balance Sheet (FBS) statistics for 181 countries. FBS present a comprehensive picture of the agrifood situation of a country in a specified reference period, showing the pattern of a country's food supply and utilizations. With the release of FBS data for 2019, the new methodology that is used for 2014–2019 values has been applied backwards to cover 2010–2013, therefore giving consistent time series from 2010 to 2019. Calculations of per capita figures and other variables for all years have been updated with the latest population figures from the United Nations Population Division (United Nations, 2019).

The latest FAOSTAT analytical brief provides the main highlights from the data, focusing on the period 2010-2019. Data show that in the last decade, global food availability increased by 17 percent, from 4.6 billion tonnes in 2010 to 5.4 billion tonnes in 2019. This translates in a global dietary energy supply of 2 963 kcal/cap/day in 2019.