
Agricultural production statistics (2000–2022)

New FAOSTAT data release


FAOSTAT provides key data that harmonize agricultural production data collected for 199 countries and territories for the period  2000-2022.

FAOSTAT agricultural production domain covers data on crop and livestock commodities from production volumes to harvested areas and animal slaughtering rates. In addition, data for selected processed crop and livestock products, synchronized and derived from the Food Balance Sheets domain, are also available up to the year 2021. Crop and livestock statistics are recorded for 278 products, covering the following categories: 1) crops primary, 2) crops processed, 3) live animals, 4) livestock primary and 5) livestock processed.

The main data source is official statistics from FAO member countries, collected either through annual production questionnaires distributed to countries, from national publications or from official country websites. The source data can originate from surveys, administrative data and estimates based on expert observations.

According to the latest data the global production of primary crop commodities reached 9.6 billion tonnes in 2022, increasing by 56 percent since 2000 and just 0.7 percent since 2021.