
FAO’s Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue  releases a new collection on surveys produced as part of the 50x2030 Initiative


One of the primary objectives of the 50x2030 Initiative is to facilitate the dissemination of data collected through national agricultural surveys, and to ensure microdata accessibility. By making data readily available and usable, the Initiative supports countries in their efforts to enhance evidence-based decision-making, resource allocation and program monitoring, ultimately contributing to more effective and sustainable development outcomes.

An important component of this process is to facilitate the dissemination of data on user-friendly platforms, enabling access for key data users. As part of this effort, a new collection of surveys produced by partner countries of the 50x2030 Initiative is now available on FAO’s Food and Agriculture Microdata (FAM) catalogue.

As the lead of the Data Production component of the 50x2030 Initiative, FAO supports countries in the production and dissemination of agricultural statistics, through the implementation of regular agricultural surveys representative at national and sub-national levels. The 50x2030 Data Production component is committed to improving dissemination practices for greater accessibility and usability of the agricultural data collected through the surveys, including microdata.

With the release of the survey collection available on FAO’s FAM catalogue, which currently includes 14 surveys from Cambodia, Georgia, Nepal, Senegal and Uganda, the 50x2030 Initiative is making significant progress in improving the visibility and accessibility of agricultural microdata generated by partner countries.

The FAM Catalogue is FAO’s corporate microdata dissemination platform, populated by datasets collected with the support of the Organization. It is conceived as a one-stop shop for finding micro datasets related to food, agriculture, nutrition and related domains, which are publicly available, with direct access and/or links to the microdata. Since inception, the catalogue contains a total of 1 341 studies published from 165 countries spread across 9 different collections.