FAO in Sudan

National ICN2 Workshop


Sudan National ICN2 Workshop

On Wednesday November 12th, 2014, Sudan held their National Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) workshop, supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to celebrate the efforts put forward by the Government of Sudan (both the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Ministry of Health) in preparing the National ICN2 report for Sudan. It was also an opportunity share the report and for the Government of Sudan to show the progress that has been made at national level since the first ICN in 1992, stated, State Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Dr. Jaafar Ahmed Abdallah.

In addition to reviewing progress made, the national workshop also reflected on nutrition problems that remain, as well as on the new challenges and opportunities for improving nutrition presented by changes in the global economy, in food systems, by advances in science and technology.

The FAO Representative stressed that, “Nutrition-sensitive agricultural development and food-based approaches are sustainable strategies for eradicating hunger and malnutrition including micronutrient deficiencies. FAO advocates for the incorporating of explicit nutrition objectives into agriculture, health, education, economic and social protection policies”. The Acting WHO Representative, Dr Jamshed Tanoli, confirmed the importance of supporting national government to develop, strengthen and implement their policies, programmes and plans to address the multiple challenges of nutrition”. The session was followed by a general presentation on the ICN2 by FAO, plus presentations from both Ministries as relevant to various sections of the report.

Now, the Sudanese Delegation is travelling to Rome to participate the 2nd International Conference on Nutrition, which is an inclusive intergovernmental meeting on nutrition jointly organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

It will be a high level ministerial conference to propose a flexible policy framework to address today’s major nutrition challenges and identify priorities for enhanced international cooperation on nutrition. ICN2 will bring together senior national policymakers from agriculture, health and other relevant ministries and agencies with leaders of United Nations agencies and other intergovernmental organizations and civil society, including nongovernmental organisations, researchers, the private sector and consumers.

Multimedia Luinks :



1.            Why nutrition matters                                                                     http://www.fao.org/3/a-as603e.pdf

2.            Why ICN2?                                                                                    http://www.fao.org/3/a-as602e.pdf

3.            The Zero  Hunger challenge and ICN2                                              http://www.fao.org/3/a-as650e.pdf

4.            Child and maternal malnutrition:                                                     http://www.fao.org/3/a-at521e.pdf

5.            Agriculture for Nutrition                                                                    http://www.fao.org/about/meetings/icn2/toolkit/multimedia/detail/en/c/263445/


6.            Public Service Announcement on Nutrition                                       http://www.fao.org/about/meetings/icn2/toolkit/multimedia/detail/en/c/261637/