FAO in Sudan

Mini-Workshop ICN2, Rome Declaration resolutions and Framework of Actions.


On Thursday March 19th, 2015, FAO  Sudan organized a mini-workshop to present International Conference for Nutrition 2 - ICN2 Rome Declaration and Framework for Action that countries can adopt to accelerate their efforts for improving nutrition status of all population categories. The session was presented and facilitated by Dr Fatima Hachem – Senior Nutrition and Consumer Protection Officer at FAO-Regional office for the Near East & North Africa.

The workshop aimed to target nutrition’s essential stakeholders at the governmental multi-sectorial levels. Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rangelands and Ministry of Health participated. In addition, UN agencies included WHO, UNICEF, WFP, and IFAD attended.

The main objectives was to draw stakeholder’s attention to the urgent need for prioritizing nutrition challenges in Sudan in alignment with the comprehensive framework recommendations generated from ICN2 as well as to brainstorm short and long term nutrition requirements in the country. Inputs from participants were rich in content emphasizing the clear gabs in Nutrition-sensitive agricultural development and food-based approaches and sustainable strategies for eradicating hunger and malnutrition including micronutrient deficiencies. Discussions highlighted the need for increased coordination and collaboration across sectors to ensure a holistic approach in increased availability, affordability, accessibility and utilization for diverse, safe and nutritious foods and diets aligned with dietary recommendations and environmental sustainability.

The workshop also emphasized the importance of technical support required from UN agencies for the national public institutes through its all related sectors and ministries to develop, strengthen and implement their policies, programs and plans effectively for addressing the multiple challenges of nutrition. Proposed recommendations were directed to follow up with the supportive guidance from UN agencies, the recognition, adoption and efficient implementation of the ICN2 Framework of Action by all nutrition related governmental bodies.