FAO in Sudan

HAC Federal Commissioner’s Visit to FAO/UNIDO IFSP activities in Kassala


HAC Federal Commissioner’s Visit to FAO/UNIDO IFSP activities in Kassala

 Mr. Ahmed Terik, Sudan National Parliament Member communicated the plans for General Commissioner of Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Adam) to visit the UN and both National and International NGOs activities in Kassala, including FAO’s activities.  Accordingly, FAO proposed the Integrated Food Security Project (IFSP) sites in the Eastern Bank of Atbara River such as Algorashi village at Aroma Locality which has been receiving different services from the IFSP project targeting both women and men.

The HAC General Commissioner was accompanied by officials from Kassala State and FAO/IFSP staff.  The sites visited in Algorashi included the village Drinking Water Station, which is operated by solar energy, Women Development Center and the Community Farm. The General Commissioner was very impressed with the activities on the ground and the positive feedback from the farmers about the cultivated banana, tomato, green fodders as well as the revenue generated by the beneficiaries from the sales of onions cultivated from past two seasons. The farmers shared with the Commissioner on the positive impacts on the livelihood of the communities including daily vegetables needs, green fodder for rearing sheep and goats purchased from the increased income.

At the Women Development Centre; the village development committee briefed the Commissioner on the training courses that women groups attended through IFSP project and the impact of these training at household and community levels.

HAC Commissioner gave a interview to Kassala TV while visiting the Community Farm. He expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the FAO project and the clear positive change in the way of thinking at community level. The General Commissioner expressed his wished for more success to the community leaders and encouraged all national and international organizations and UN agencies to replicate IFSP sustainable development activities in other areas of the state.