FAO in Sudan

4.2 million food insecure in the Sudan | USD 24 million urgently needed to enhance food security


Despite an improved harvest last year, 4.2 million people remain food insecure in the Sudan.

Conflict and displacement – reaching 3.1 million people – have disrupted livelihoods and increased food insecurity. Soaring food prices (up to 65 percent above the five-year average) and environmental degradation have exacerbated existing high levels of rural poverty, further eroding the resilience of agriculture-based livelihoods.

Under the 2015 Humanitarian Response Plan for the Sudan, FAO is seeking USD 24 million to save lives and restore the livelihoods of 2.4 million people.

As part of the Organization’s efforts to build resilience, FAO’s planned support focuses on three main areas:

  • Provision of emergency agricultural inputs (seeds and tools)
  • Provision of emergency livestock support services and restocking of herds
  • Training women to produce and use fuel-efficient stoves to improve food utilization, protect women, reduce environmental degradation and generate income

To-date, FAO has received just USD 2.35 million.

Funds are urgently needed so farmers can plant and harvest for the summer season. Without support now, farmers will not be able to meet their food needs and food insecurity will deepen.

The planting season is nearing – farmers need crop and vegetable packages in time to prepare their land (April/May) and plant (June), so that by November/December they can harvest enough food to feed a family of six for 3 to 5 months.

Funds are also needed for livestock interventions year-round.

With donor support in 2014, FAO helped 1.6 million people in the Sudan – communities increased their milk and meat production by 60 percent, farmers harvested more than 220 000 tonnes of crops and vegetables (an average of 1.3 tonnes per household) and women produced and sold more than 30 000 fuel-efficient stoves.

Your support makes a real difference in people’s lives. We must continue working together to tackle food insecurity in the Sudan.


FAO Sudan appeals for your urgent assistance to improve food security and build more resilient livelihoods for the most vulnerable, food insecure populations in the Sudan.


Sudan 2015 humanitarian response plan 2015

FAO in the 2015 Humanitarian Appeals

Enhancing Food Security and Resilient Livelihoods