FAO in Sudan

EU and FAO supporting Government to reform its land laws for food security


The land reform supporting project ‘’promoting the provision of legitimate land tenure rights using Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest (VGGT) in the context of national food security in the Greater Darfur Region ’’, is funded by EU and implemented by FAO in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Forest. The project is been implemented in 20 localities of the five Darfur states and will end in 2019. 

On 14 March 2018, the advisory committee of the project (PAC) had its third meeting chaired by the Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forests attheMinistryofAgriculture,Khartoum. The meeting discussed and agreed on the plan for the upcoming activities and the implementation process. PAC is an advisory committee of key project stakeholders within the government line Ministries and Darfur Land Commission.

The project has budget of three million Euro and is facilitating reform on Land Tenure System in Darfur  in the context of food security. Providing practical solutions to the existing challenges of access to land resources using the Voluntary Guidelines. Project aims supporting the Government of the Republic of the Sudan to reform its land tenure governance and build a framework that facilitates sustainable mechanism that promotes protection of tenure right holders for achieving sustainable food security in Darfur Region. 

The project created an enabling environment for the implementation of project activities through mass stakeholder awareness and training at states and locality levels. The project closely works with all land related service providers including states level line Ministries, Darfur land Commission, reputed research institutions and civil society organization in the country.

Project baseline that establishes a benchmark for project activities and maps targeted localities is at its final stage. These activities adhered strict community consultations and extensive review of existing documents and literatures to capture socio-economic dimensions surrounding land resource use, tenure systems and governance of the land tenure.   

In the year 2018, the project is expected to develop Community actions Plan through participatory approach and prioritize Community plans in order to attach investments that promotes food security. During this year the project is also planning to conduct Legal, Policy and Administrative Assessment of Land Tenure in Darfur and capacities of land service providers among other activities. Sudan Vision News