FAO in Sudan

FAO component 2014 Appeals - Mid-year overview July 2014


In 2014, conflicts, natural disasters and extreme weather patterns continue to undermine food and nutrition security around the world, severely affecting those who rely on farming, fishing and herding for their food and income.

This 2014 mid-year overview provides a snapshot of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) participation in 15 humanitarian appeals. It highlights critical challenges facing agriculture and food security, priority actions to address those challenges and related funding requirements.

The increasingly alarming food security and nutrition crisis in South Sudan, for example, is of particular concern as 30 percent of the population faces crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity, with a serious risk of famine developing in some conflict-affected areas unless humanitarian assistance is provided. FAO is delivering assistance along a twin-track approach – boosting production in more stable areas while providing life-saving livelihood support in areas most affected by the conflict in cooperation with the World Food Programme and the United Nations Children’s Fund. FAO is closely monitoring the food security situation and carrying out numerous assessments together with partners. We have delivered the resources received since March 2014, but must do more to meet the needs of the 3.5 million people currently suffering from severe food insecurity and prevent the situation from further deteriorating.

There have been significant milestones in 2014. In Madagascar, for example, the first 2013/14 locust campaign has reached its objective of halting the plague. However, two more campaigns are needed to return to a locust recession situation. If not, all efforts made so far will be lost. In the Central African Republic, over 80 000 crisis-hit farming families have received agricultural production kits in time for the current planting season, which will enable them to produce enough to feed their families for about four months. At the same time, FAO is strengthening the resilience of farmers through producers’ and women’s associations as well as through capacity building – around 250 young professionals have been trained as part of a continuous effort to rehabilitate a cadre of professionals in the agriculture sector.

FAO is able to offer governments of affected countries time-critical assistance in an emergency phase, without losing sight of the development agenda. Especially in Level 3 emergencies, FAO uses its fast track procedures and calls on expertise across the Organization to address the immediate needs of crisis-affected populations and increase the resilience of livelihoods to future threats and crises. We are working ever more closely with our sister agencies, including on the resilience agenda, strengthening partnerships and building capacity for better preparedness and response.

The global Food Security Cluster Support Team provides country‐level clusters with tools, guidance, training and surge support. The deepening of existing crises calls for additional coordination capacity, particularly in the Central African Republic, Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic and the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Working as one, we can provide the most appropriate emergency response, while tackling the root causes of hunger and strengthening vulnerable communities’ resilience to shocks.

With your support today, we can build more resilient and food secure communities for tomorrow.

Dominique Burgeon

FAO Emergency and Rehabilitation Division