FAO in Sudan

Integrated Food Security Project (IFSP) Kassala


Distribution of Fishing Boats and Fishing Gear to 17 Fishing Groups

The Integrated Food Security project (IFSP) distributed fishing boats and fishing gear to 17 fishing groups, each comprising approximately 35 individuals, under one of the six project components entitled Fishing including boat-building and net-making.

The ceremony took place at the Fisheries Administration in Khashm El Girba Town and was inaugurated by the Honourable Majzoub Abu Musa, Deputy Governor of Kassala State and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Irrigation and Livestock. Mr. Abdulrahman Mustafa Acting Commissioner along with Mr. Ali Eisa Hussein, DG of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Osman Jaal, Director of Fishery Department, Mr. Immadaddin Hussien Attahir, Director of the Cooperative Training Center, Ministry of Finance and Mr. Gebril Osman, Senior Programme Coordinator, among several other key note speakers were present. Rosanne Marchesich, Deputy FAO Representative, Mohamednour Abdelrahim, National Programme Coordinator and Ms. Azza Badri, Senior National Liaison Officer travelled from UNIDO Office in Khartoum to celebrate the event.

In addition to fishing boats and fishing gear, fishing cooperatives will also be receiving technical and market training along the value chain to help ensure food security and income generating activities within the fishing communities. Furthermore, women groups are being trained in fish net making of several types within regulations, along with several other skills including post-harvest loss including drying and wet salting of fish. This will increase economic opportunities as well as increase nutritional status at the household and community level.

The IFSP project is a rural development project funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and implemented by FAO as lead agency in close cooperation with UNIDO, and in collaboration with Kassala State Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Irrigation and Livestock (MAFIL). Other programme activities under the IFSP include: sunflower cash-crop production; irrigated horticulture (vegetables including off-season tomatoes, legumes); improving water harvesting techniques for sorghum production; livestock route rehabilitation and skills development for employment. The project aim is to improve food and nutrition security of the targeted population in Kassala, with special focus on women and youth.