FAO in Sudan

FAO concluded last week a training course on strategies of agribusiness promotion that was held in Khartoum from 1 – 4 November 2015. The course was organized by FAO in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Forests and the National...

FAO and Sudan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forests are currently leading a 2-week training programme in Pest Risk Analysis in Khartoum, from November 2-11. 

Pest risk analysis (PRA) is an important tool for agriculture, trade, food security and the environment. PRA...

FAO and WFP joined the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests today in Khartoum to celebrate World Food Day under this year’s theme Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty.

This year, World Food Day also...

An important part of FAO’s work in Sudan is to enhance the resilience of Sudanese families so that they are better able to withstand climatic shocks that threaten their food and nutrition security. A key component of this...

Rural families in Sudan are facing increased risk of food and nutrition insecurity due to poor crop growth and pasture conditions caused by rainfall shortages and delays over this year’s rainy season, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of...