FAO in Sudan
16 October 2023, Khartoum – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
Khartoum - A recently released special report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the...
Sana Karaw is a village of just over 30,000 people, located in the Kalimindo locality...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in...

A presentation on “Upholding Livelihoods, Peace and Food Security in Darfur Region of Sudan” was given by Tufts University and University of El Gedarif at FAO Sudan premises on Wednesday, 11 Jan 2023. The presentation brought together...

 the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Sudan signed a four year project agreement: ‘’FAO Sudan smallholders and agro-pastoralists value chain support in the face of climate change’’ worth of USD15 million to...

Gussa Jamat village, in Kalimindo locality, is located approximately 100 km from El Fasher, accessible by sand roads only, with approximately 28,000 people and 33 tribes calling it home. People practice agriculture and livestock production here, and...

This year the celebration of World Food Day 2022 Call to leave no one behind comes at critical juncture for global food security coincides with the creation the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in...

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Representative to Sudan Babagana Ahmadu, Resident accompanied by the Director of the Organization’s Office in Kassala, Mrs. Aisha Oshiek, visited the dairy factories of Khashm El- Qirba - Kassala State,...

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