FAO in Sudan
16 October 2023, Khartoum – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
Khartoum - A recently released special report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the...
Sana Karaw is a village of just over 30,000 people, located in the Kalimindo locality...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in...

On 1 June, the Country Representatives of FAO, UNICEF and WFP travelled to Kassala state to visit the Joint Resilience-Building Project (JRP) funded by the United Kingdon's Department for International Development (DFID). The aim of the visit was to provide the...

FAO in Sudan recently lead a 2-day training workshop on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). The workshop was held from 16-17 May 2016 at the Ministry of Animal Resources in Khartoum with over 30 representatives...

FAO Sudan signed a new project agreement with the European Union (EU) yesterday for a new € 3 million project to promote community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in Darfur. The project will support small-scale rural farmers, pastoralists and internally displaced persons (IDPs)...

The UN Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) has launched with the Government of Sudan a joint El Nino Mitigation and Preparedness Plan that outlines the current and anticipated humanitarian impacts driven by El Nino across Sudan's traditional rain-fed agricultural zones. The next...

Access to food, food use, food waste and loss, food pricing and farm income issues are some of the key drivers of food insecurity across Red Sea, Kassala, Gedaref and Blue Nile States, according to research findings presented on Tuesday...