
Sudan Monthly Market Update - May 2010

, 18/05/2010 - Cereal prices continued to rise and remain stable at a high level in April and are substantially above historical average levels. Moreover, food and cereal inflation rates continued to rise both in rural and urban settings. In addition to the considerable increases in cereal prices, the typical seasonal behavior of prices changed throughout 2009/10. Prices increased all through the year even during the harvest season of October – December when cereal prices usually decline. These higher than normal prices will have the worst effects on the poorest households, who access the majority of their food from the market. Increasing prices exacerbate the already poor condition of these net-consumers and could result in serious food shortages. If well designed stabilization programs are implemented ahead of schedule, they may help to smooth out consumption shortfalls when food prices rise.
Written by SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Sudan Government of National Unity (GNU)
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