
Food Security Update for October-December 2010

, 20/12/2010 - Over the past three months, there have been reports of large number of Southern Sudanese returning from Northern Sudan. This high inflow of returnees is expected to result in increased demand for food commodities which may in the coming months lead to food shortages. It is also reported that the northern traders who supply the northern regions of Southern Sudan are fearing possible referendum related violence. The harvest in 2010 agricultural season is promising in most parts of Southern Sudan, though crop production in some states has been affected negatively due to flood problems in Jonglei particularly in Akobo, Pochalla, Nyirol, and Northern Bahr El Ghazal (Aweil Centre) and Upper Nile State particularly in Maban and Longichuk. The food insecurity situation remains volatile among the flood affected
Written by FSTS



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