
Sudan_Seasonal_Monitor_July 2011

, 21/07/2011 - June shows below average amounts in all states of the country. The cumulative of rainfall till June was on average and below average in all states in the country. In mid-June the rainfall was confined to the eastern part of Gedaref, Sennar state, and southern Kordufan, with below average amounts. During early July, rainfall amounts were registered in, the Southern Kordufan Southern and Western Darfur, Blue Nile, Gedarif, and Sennar state. Above average rainfall in south of southern Darfur and Western Darfur (Nyala). SMA updated its seasonal forecast for the rainfall for June-July-August-September (JJAS) 2011 (Fig 5) for the coming three months, July, August and September. According to this forecast, JJAS rainfall is expected to be..........................
Written by SIFSIA Northern Sudan, Sudan Meteorological Authority- Agromet Division and Food Security Technical Secretariat



SIFSIA is funded by the European Union

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