

SIFSIA colabora con instituciones gubernamentales de Sudán con el objeto de fortalecer su capacidad de producir información y análisis relativos a seguridad alimentaria. Esta valiosa información se recopila en publicaciones como las que se menciona a continuación:

  • Boletines sobre seguridad alimentaria
  • Boletines sobre mercados y precios
  • Boletines sobre agrometeorología
  • Resúmenes informativos sobre políticas
  • Informes de investigación
  • Y mucho más…

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Food Security Update May-June 2012

· Conflict at the border between South and north Sudan is likely to affect agricultural activities. · Humanitarian intervention is urgently needed to settle the high number of returnees, refugees and IDPs in South Sudan. · Households still faced food shortage as high food prices continued in all the States. · Land preparation and cultivation activity is ongoing as seasonal rainfall commenced in April…………

Agrometeorology Update Apr-May 2012

With reference to IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) monthly bulletin April 2012, the climate outlook indicates likelihood of normal to above normal rainfall over South Sudan during May 2012 except for the border areas between Sudan and South Sudan. This has implication of good prospect for high agricultural production as the season has started well. Occurrence of crop diseases outbreak inflicted by weather parameters and flooding of homesteads in flood prone areas of South Sudan is also expected.

Food Security Update Jan-Marc 2012

Food security situation in South Sudan is deteriorating following the cereal production deficit occasioned by extended period of dry spells in 2011. As the result, about 4.7 million populations are anticipated to be potentially food insecure and about 1 million populations are likely to be severely food insecure. In South Sudan, the food insecurity is regularly driven by inadequate rainfall and inter-communal conflicts. Increases of inter-communal conflicts or cattle raiding in states like Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity and Warrap State affected not only food availability but also food access to the affected households.


Government of Southern Sudan

Government of
Southern Sudan

The Sudan Government of National Unity (GNU)

The Sudan Government of National Unity (GNU)

European Union

SIFSIA is funded by the European Union