
Publications Archive

Sudan Monthly Market Update - October 2011

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
This year, during July and August, cereal prices showed some mixed signals, as the marketable surplus of crops declined during the peak of the lean season. Cereals account for about 80 percent of total food grain production and more than 90 percent of grain flow in the country........................

Crop Prospect and Food Situation October 2011

Trade and Markets Division, FAO HQ
Crop Prospects and Food Situation is published by the Trade and Markets Division of FAO under the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS). It is published four times a year and focuses on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and the Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs) in particular. The report provides a review of the food situation by geographic region, a section dedicated to the LIFDCs and a list of countries requiring external assistance for food. It also includes a global cereal supply and demand overview to complement the biannual analysis in the Food Outlook publication.


SIFSIA Northern Sudan, Sudan Meteorological Authority- Agromet Division and Food Security Technical Secretariat
In terms of total rainfall amounts, September failed to bring sufficient rainfall to supply the crop during this critical stage of growing. Below average rainfall amounts showed in the most parts of the country during September...............

Sudan Monthly Market Update- September 2011

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
Cereal prices in Sudan showed mixed signals in August compared to July 2011, increased in some and declined in others though persisted to exceed the previous five years average levels for August. The August international cereal prices measured by the FAO Cereal Price Index increased ....................................


SIFSIA Northern Sudan, Sudan Meteorological Authority- Agromet Division and Food Security Technical Secretariat
As a difference from average, August total rainfall amounts showed above average amounts in areas of Sennar, western Parts of Gedaref, southern parts of Gazira, Northern and Southern Kordofan, Western Darfur and southern parts of Southern Darfur. Elsewhere, below average performance is prevailed..............

Sudan Monthly Market Update- August 2011

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
Prices are expected to increase further in the coming few months because many farmers have depleted what they held in storage and traders are also holding stocks due to the poor prospect of the 2011/12 season. Recent price rises are mainly due to poor start of the on-going summer season that lowered consumer and traders’ expectations about prospects for the main harvest...............................

Soaring Food Prices- A Policy Brief

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
This brief attempts to assess the chronology of food price changes and their impact on the poor in Sudan, and proposes set of remedial measures in tackling price surges and volatility............

Sudan_Seasonal_Monitor_August 2011

SIFSIA Northern Sudan, Sudan Meteorological Authority- Agromet Division and Food Security Technical Secretariat
Below average rainfall during June, early and mid July was followed by moderate wet conditions in late July. Mid July characterized by below average rainfall amounts that prevailing throughout the country as a consequence of ITCZ positioning below its normal position. In contrast; late July characterized by wet conditions with the reasonable distribution all over the country........

Sudan Monthly Market Update -July 2011

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
The typical upward trend in sorghum/millet prices that occurs after the month of March/April has not materialized this year. Prices were stable in June, continuing a trend that started in January 2011. Reasonably stable sorghum and millet prices will help rural households obtain what food they can, through the markets during this hunger period, especially during the Ramadan month (August), although rural cash income is critically limited by a lack of labor and .........................

South Sudan Agrometeorological Update

The Twenty Eighth Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum (GHACOF 28) was convened on 17 June 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya by the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) and partners to formulate a consensus climate outlook for the July to September 2011rainfall season over the GHA region. The regional consensus climate outlook for July, August and September (JAS) indicates that South Sudan has increased likelihood of near normal to above normal rainfall. Implying that the agriculture cropping season is likely to be favored and crop yields/production may be normal. According to the forum, this year 2011 JAS rainfall performance is similar to that of 1996 (Analogue year).